CDM Co-ordination l Contract procurement l Administration l Technical Authoring l Construction Health and Safety l Health and Safety Consultancy
Construction Management Advice l Risk Analysis and Assessments l Method Statements l Expert Witness Service l BREEAM Documentation l Log Books Code for Sustainable Home Documentation l Building Manuals

CDM 2015 is here
The new CDM Regulations finally came into force on 6 April 2015 with a transition period of six months for projects already underway and with that have come extensive new duties for Clients, Designers, Project Managers, (who take on the role of Principal Designer), and Contractors. And this will now include all domestic projects.
But don't worry, we can help.
Key to these changes is the transfer of duties currently carried out by the CDM C to Principal Designers, Clients and Contractors. The regulations are similar to the previous 2007 CDM Regs in that any member of the team can carry out the role of CDM PD, but they must be competent in H&S and be a designer as defined by the Regulations.
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CDM Contract Services
Jonathan Scott Hall
Thorpe Road
T: 01603 764448

Our Services
CDM Consultancy
In addition to the standard CDM Co-ordinator Services required by the regulations, CDM Contract Services can also provide the following additional services:
- CDM Consultancy to Clients, Designers, Consultants and Contractors providing advice, support and specific documentation to the team to enable efficient and cost effective compliance and co-ordination including assistance with Design Risk Analysis, Method Statements, Construction Phase Health and Safety Plans, Design Co-ordination meetings and Workshops.
- Construction Site Safety Audits can be carried out as required by one of our experienced consultants to provide added assurance to the Client that works are being carried out in accordance with the Construction Phase Health and Safety Plan and adequate resources are in place.
- Contract Procurement Advice to the Client and project management team to ensure effective CDM and Health and Safety Compliance whilst often giving considerable savings to the Client over alternative solutions.
- Technical Authoring and document procurement including BREEAM documents, Building Manuals Log Books etc. to provide project specific user friendly integrated Health and Safety Files and Building Manuals to the Client specification or one of our own standard formats. For Clients with multiple sites or speculative projects this helps ensure brand recognition and uniformity of document format and quality whilst also ensuring on tim delivery and enabling the construction team to concentrate on building.