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CDM 2015 is here
The new CDM Regulations finally came into force on 6 April 2015 with a transition period of six months for projects already underway and with that have come extensive new duties for Clients, Designers, Project Managers, (who take on the role of Principal Designer), and Contractors. And this will now include all domestic projects.
But don't worry, we can help.
Key to these changes is the transfer of duties currently carried out by the CDM C to Principal Designers, Clients and Contractors. The regulations are similar to the previous 2007 CDM Regs in that any member of the team can carry out the role of CDM PD, but they must be competent in H&S and be a designer as defined by the Regulations.
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CDM Contract Services
Jonathan Scott Hall
Thorpe Road
T: 01603 764448

Company Policies
Equal Opportunities Statement
It is the recognised policy of the company not to discriminate against anyone coming into contact with the company either directly or indirectly through it's operations on grounds of race, belief, physical or mental impairment, sexual or political orientation.
The company will strive to ensure equality of opportunity for all persons coming into contact with it in all matters either directly or indirectly related to its operations.
The Company will actively support staff who consider themselves the victim of any form of discrimination, bullying or harassment and seek disciplinary action against any person either employed by the Company or by others who are found to be responsible for such actions.
We will endeavour to support staff who through any form of disability, belief, sexual or political orientation, illness or other circumstance find themselves in need of special treatment to exercise their tasks.
This policy will form part of the information issued to all members of the Company and will be subject to review annually and may be reviewed at any time should any member of the Company require a review.
All members of the Company and others appointed by the Company will be expected to abide by similar standards.
The Policy is the responsibility of the Principal.
Company Policies
Equal Opportunities