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CDM 2015 is here
The new CDM Regulations finally came into force on 6 April 2015 with a transition period of six months for projects already underway and with that have come extensive new duties for Clients, Designers, Project Managers, (who take on the role of Principal Designer), and Contractors. And this will now include all domestic projects.
But don't worry, we can help.
Key to these changes is the transfer of duties currently carried out by the CDM C to Principal Designers, Clients and Contractors. The regulations are similar to the previous 2007 CDM Regs in that any member of the team can carry out the role of CDM PD, but they must be competent in H&S and be a designer as defined by the Regulations.
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CDM Contract Services
Jonathan Scott Hall
Thorpe Road
T: 01603 764448

Company Policies
Environmental Policy
The environment is all our responsibilities and the Company views all it's actions in respect of their potential to cause harm or detriment to the Environment both on a local level and globally.
The Company wishes to ensure the minimum impact of all it’s actions on the environment and to that end will attempt to maintain the highest standards of control over procurement and sourcing materials.
Where practicable all materials and equipment will be sourced with reference to the following:-
- Sustainability of resources
- Environmental impact of production
- Use of recycled materials
- Economy/ efficiency of use
- Impact of waste - materials and products will be selected with overall impact on the environment in mind including waste from packaging and during whole life usage. Where space allows waste from sites will be sorted into dedicated bins for landfill, timber and recyclables.
Where practicable staff/ operatives will be encouraged to recycle materials and choose environmentally friendly alternatives and to act in a responsible manner:-
- Turn off all lights and equipment when not in use
- Select diesel, hybrid powered vehicles wherever possible
- Do not leave engines running when not in use
- Re-use scrap paper and other materials
- Do not leave heating on
- Ensure all vehicles are maintained to obtain maximum efficiency
- Dispose of all waste materials in a responsible fashion
- Reduce journeys by careful planning and avoiding non essential journeys.
Company Policies
Environmental Policy