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CDM 2015 is here
The new CDM Regulations finally came into force on 6 April 2015 with a transition period of six months for projects already underway and with that have come extensive new duties for Clients, Designers, Project Managers, (who take on the role of Principal Designer), and Contractors. And this will now include all domestic projects.
But don't worry, we can help.
Key to these changes is the transfer of duties currently carried out by the CDM C to Principal Designers, Clients and Contractors. The regulations are similar to the previous 2007 CDM Regs in that any member of the team can carry out the role of CDM PD, but they must be competent in H&S and be a designer as defined by the Regulations.
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CDM Contract Services
Jonathan Scott Hall
Thorpe Road
T: 01603 764448

Our Services
New Training and Development Courses
We at CDM Contract Services are excited to announce a new suite of training and development courses we can offer to our Clients which can be tailored to suit your individual needs - Safety at Work has for a long time been the primary driver and now it's time we all started to look more at Health and Wellbeing – please call to discuss.
New Soft SkillsTraining
Soft skills training is becoming more important than ever in the UK construction industry. Large companies such as Balfour Beatty and Laing O’Rourke have been investing time and money in the development of their leadership population to enable them to better compete with their overseas competitors. This in turn creates a challenge for other companies in the industry to raise their game in regard to leadership development to ensure they:
- Do not lose staff who want this sort of development to a rival
- Raise their skills in line with the rest of the market
It is important not to focus your time and money teaching the most current leadership training fad or flavour of the month. Good leadership training should teach your leaders how to be more compassionate leaders by having them focus on the needs, wants, goals, and interests of their employees. When employees are happy in their jobs, absenteeism is lower, they arrive to work on time, and teamwork and communication are enhanced—all of which can lead to improved performance.
This approach is called engagement. If employees are satisfied with both their job and their boss, there’s a tremendous impact on their attitude—and therefore job performance. Employee engagement is an important intangible that should not be taken lightly. As a matter of fact, many companies conduct employee engagement surveys to gather this intangible/soft data.
To get people engaged in their jobs, which in turn will increase intangible benefits, we need to train, coach, mentor, encourage etc. leaders to embrace the concept that their success depends a great deal upon their staff’s success.
This is challenging because no clear-cut definition of success exists. One person’s definition or perception of success can be very different from someone else’s. Defining success varies greatly by age, gender, religious beliefs, socio-economic status, values, beliefs, etc. and the list goes on and on.
When you lead with compassion, you become interested in understanding your staff’s individual perception of success. Once you discover what each member of your team’s concept of success is, then the next step is to determine how and IF you can meet their needs.
This is an important consideration alongside health and safety. Figures show us that accidents in the UK construction industry are very low which suggests that when it comes to safety a lot of good things have been, and are being, done. The question is, are we paying enough attention to health? The construction industry is a hard and stressful one to work in:
- Tight deadlines put pressure on staff
- Dependencies on and from other areas of the sites increase pressure to be on time and to standard
- Quality and safety standards must be consistently met
- There is a high risk of injury to an employee and their colleagues
- The working day is long and physically tiring
- It can be hard to eat well on a building site
- A lot of time can be spent away from home
So there are a lot of factors that can affect the health of employees. The construction industry is one where traditionally discussions around how staff members are feeling might not have been addressed and where admissions that the work is emotionally challenging may not be forthcoming. The role of the successful leader to hold these discussions and act upon them is one of the major changes that faces these role holders.
All courses are best delivered on the Client’s premises providing a real work environment backdrop to the sessions.
Suggested interventions to support leaders
Collaborative Working
A one-day programme aimed at providing a leader and their team with a strong understanding of their own strengths and preferences and how these impact their own performance, their interactions with others and the performance of their teams.
Collaborative working involves the use of SDI (Strengths Deployment Inventory) a self-assessment tool that helps people understand what gives them a sense of self-worth and what’s important to them when relating with others.

Aimed at: | Anyone who has staff directly reporting to themTeams who need to work effectively togetherAnyone who wants to improve their collaborative working skills |
Duration: | 1 Day |
Delegates: | 8 to 14 |
Pre-requisites: | None |
Developed in association with one of our training partners these courses are delivered by one of our professional and authoritative team ideally on your premises or at other venues that can be arranged to suit your requirements.
Our aim is to help you fulfil your mandatory, statutory and role essential training obligations in a manner which will improve your overall performance and staff engagement in essential areas of your business.
Experience shows us that targeted engaging training improves staff retention and stakeholder involvement whilst improving overall performance.
Additional topics that can be covered
- Noise Awareness
- Business Continuity Management
- Managing and controlling contractors
- Lone Working
- Accident and Emergency Management
- Managing Construction Projects Safely
Course Content
Health and Safety Awareness - General
Course Content
- What is Health and Safety?
- Health and Safety in the Care Sector (where applicable)
- Health and Safety Policy
- Responsibilities
- Accidents and Incidents
- Moving & Handling
- Ergonomics
- Security
All Staff – 1 Hour – Annual refresher
Fire Safety
Course Content
- Understand the characteristics of fire
- Know the fire hazards involved in the working environment
- Practise and promote fire prevention
- Understand how fire starts and can spread
- Know instinctively the right action to take if fire breaks out or if smoke is detected
- Be familiar with the evacuation procedures and associated escape routes at their location and at their time of duty
- Take part in practical training sessions, which should include evacuation techniques
All Staff – 1.5 Hours – Annual refresher
Manual Handling
All staff should read the HSE Guide to Manual Handling indg 143-1 prior to attending the practical training session.
Manual handling update for facilities staff and those working with heavy loads and office based staff. (NB This does not cover moving or people or patients in the care sector)
To update staff on correct body mechanics and current best practice in manual handling techniques, for moving heavy loads.
Training Objectives
On completion of this update session, the member of staff will have:
- Revised principles of correct body mechanics and working postures
- Completed a manual handling risk assessment problem solving exercise and demonstrated manual handling techniques appropriate to their work
- Reviewed practical handling methods and the use of handling equipment
- Had the opportunity to discuss problems they encountered in their day to day work when moving and handling inanimate loads and equipment.
Course Content:
- Revision of principles of correct body mechanics and working postures
- Manual handling risk assessment practical problems solving
- Moving and handling demonstration from risk assessment exercise by delegates
- Practice handling including moving resources, materials, boxes, cabinets etc.
- Revision of sitting postures and working with computers
- Problems from the group
Course Details
Group size: Minimum of 3 and maximum of 15 per session – 1.5 hours
Dress: Loose, comfortable clothing for practical exercises; flat shoes
Adult & Paediatric Basic Life Support, Anaphylaxis and Automatic External Defibrillation (AED)
Course Content
- Primary Survey (CPR for Adult/Child/Baby)
- Anaphylaxis
- Automatic External Defibrillator
- Choking (Adult/Child/Baby)
- Heart Attack
- Treatment of Shock
- Recovery Position
Comfortable clothing should be worn due to the practical elements of this course
All Staff – 3 Hours – Annual refresher
Assessing and Managing Risk
Course Content
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Assessment Law
- Risk Assessment principles
- Completing a Risk Assessment
All Staff – 1 Hour – Annual refresher.
Food Safety
Course Content
The aim is to develop a level of understanding of the basic principles of food hygiene and safety expected within catering operations. This training shows compliance with the law and covers major aspects of food hygiene:
- Simple microbiology, toxins, spores, growth and death
- Common food hazards - physical, chemical, microbiological
- Personal hygiene - basic rules and responsibilities
- Preventing food contamination
- Managing food safety hazards
- Food poisoning, symptoms and causes
- Cleaning and disinfection
- Legal obligations including any recent or upcoming changes in the law
- Pest control
- Effective temperature control of food e.g. storage, thawing, cooking and reheating
Conflict Resolution
The course is designed in accordance with Department of Health guidelines, but is also relevant for other non-healthcare sectors and all levels of staff
- Risk assessment
- Signalling non-aggression
- Workplace violence
- Fight or flight response
- Responding to aggression
- Triggers and inhibitors
- Behaviour cycle
- Communication toolbox
- Resolving conflict
- Physical / Psychological blocks
- Managing space and distance
- Signs of escalation
- Common law and self defence
- Providing post incident support
All Staff – 3 Hours – Annual refresher.
Course Aims
Engagement – retention, compliance, improvements in morale and consequent standards of care and business.
Aimed at: | First line managers |
Duration: | 7 Days tutor ledPlus 7 coaching sessions and Action Learning Sets |
Delegates: | Max 12 |
Pre-requisites: | None |
Leadership Development Programme
A structured, modular development programme building key leadership skills over a period of months. Suggested topics being the role of a leader, performance management, risk management, leading through change and coaching skills. Suggest the programme concludes with an experiential session to bring the learning together.
Aimed at: | Anyone who has staff directly reporting to them |
Duration: | 1 Day |
Delegates: | Max 12 |
Pre-requisites: | None |
Honest Performance Conversations
Developing the skills to talk honestly and openly with team members about all aspects of their role and the factors that affect it. The more team members feel that they can talk honestly and openly to their leader the better equipped they will be to get to the heart of issues which impact the business.
Aimed at: | Anyone who has staff directly reporting to themLearning and Development staff new to coachingAnyone new to a coaching role |
Duration: | 1 Day / 2 Day |
Delegates: | Max 12 |
Pre-requisites: | None |
Coaching Skills
Available as part of a programme or as a standalone. The ability to coach staff through challenges can empower them leading to increased capability and morale, better use of time and less dependency on the leader allowing them to focus their time more effectively.
One day course focuses on coaching models and some practical application.
Two day courses includes facilitated practice and intensive and peer trainer feedback.
Health Awareness
A workshop aimed at highlighting the health risks inherent to the construction industry and the impacts these can have. A highly practical and interactive session that show the reasons why it’s important to understand how your team members are feeling and when it’s time to take action.
Aimed at: | Anyone who has staff directly reporting to themThose responsible for health and well being of staff |
Duration: | 1 Day |
Delegates: | Max 12 |
Pre-requisites: | None |